Moving from employment to contracting can feel like a huge step. Once you have decided it’s the right thing for you then starting out in the strongest way will set you on your way for a successful career.
Here are some of our top tips to consider in order to make you stay on top of your game as a contractor.
Utilise LinkedIn for a professional network
Always keep hold of the contacts you make and add them to your LinkedIn network. You can also search LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry. It’s a great resource to be able to go back to old contacts or acquaintances when looking for assignments. Always keep communication on LinkedIn professional and be sure to add value when commenting on posts.
Make an impact with your CV
This can be the first impression you will make to a potential client. Tailor your CV each time you send it out to highlight relevant skills and experience and include any other relevant industry knowledge that could place you as the ideal candidate.
Update your skill set
Did you have some down time during the coronavirus pandemic? Maybe you still have more time on your hands then you would normally have? There are so many online courses, content and podcasts out there for every industry it’s the perfect opportunity to keep your skills and knowledge up to date.
If you’d like advice on getting started as a contractor or how to bring your business under a contractor umbrella, we’d love to chat with you and steer you in the right direction that’s best for you and your personal circumstance.
Get in touch today for an initial chat.
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